S.ZARA AHANYA, Born on 26 March 2021, from Tuticorin District, Tamilnadu, India holding the title, EXTRODINARY MEMORY POWER - GENIUS KID.
She has identifying and reciting 30 Body parts, 29 Vehicles, 25 Vegetables, 25 Community helpers, 23 Animals, 22 Fruits, 21 Animals and their young ones, 18 Birds, 17 Opposites,15 Food items, 15 County flags, 13 Electronic items, 13 Colours, 13 Nature creations, 12 Sea animals, 12 Insects, 11 Animal sounds, 10 Animal shelters, 10 Shapes, 10 Solar systems, 8 Action words, 8 Face reactions, 8 Flowers, 7 Reptiles, 7 Rhymes, 5 Festivals, 5 God's, 5 Trees, 5 Famous personalities, 5 Vowels, 5 Thirukkural, 5 Oceans, 5 Puzzles, 4 Seasons, Alphabets A-Z, Months of the year , Tamil months, Days of the week, 1 to 20 Numbers, Life cycle of Butterfly, Life cycle of Frog and Answering 34 General Knowledge questions at the age of 2 Years 6 Months.