MOHIL.S, Born on February 26, 2013, Bangalore, Karnataka, India is a multifaceted kid who has been excel in General knowledge, Storytelling, Drawing, Spell in English, Swimming, Cube Solving, Karate and Taekwondo. He had won Trophies, medals and certificates in National Level Talent Hunt organized by Wonder Buddies.Awarded 1st place in Drawing, Speech, Story Telling, Cube Solving, Speed Math and Read a loud. He has received outstanding performance award in 19th Karnataka State Level Taekwondo Championship-2019 and also secured 2nd place in Mathletes season-2 conducted by Skill Tree. He has participated in the record event titled ‘Maximum Number of People Solving 3x3x3 Rubik’s on a Digital Platform conducted by ASIA BOOK OF RECORDS. He also won certificate for outstanding performance in the National Level ‘Vedic Maths Competition’ conducted by School Innovate.
He actively participated and won 3rd place in ‘TECHNOVATION’- Virtual Science Fair to celebrate the National Science Day. He currently holding 8th KYU ORANGE BELT in karate from Indian martial arts academy. He won silver medal in International General Knowledge Olympiad and secured 94% of marks in the National Level Science Talent Search and received certificate for outstanding performance.