NITHARA SABARI, Born on December 04, 2020, Ernakulam, Kerala, India has demonstrated exceptional memorizing capacity at the age of 3 years 6 months. She has Identifying and reciting 50 Actions, 40 Animals and their young ones, 40 Animals, 35 Parts of the Body, 35 Countries and their Currencies, 28 Indian States and Its Official Languages, 25 Cartoon Characters, 25 Famous Personalities, 25 Fruits, 25 Insects, 25 Professions, 25 Vegetables, 20 Birds, 15 National Symbols, 15 Animal Sounds, 15 Clothes, 15 Colours, 15 Flowers,15 Home Appliances, 5 Sense Organs, 9 Union Territories, 30 Opposite Words, 7 Emirates Of UAE, 7 World Wonders, 7 Continents, Months of the year, Days of the week, Planets of the Solar System, National Anthem, Directions, Alphabets and Arranging Alphabet puzzles.