Born on 16 June 2020, Kelambakkam, Chennai,Tamilnadu, India, is an extraordinary child who excels in Identification and Recitation. At just 4 years 5 months old, he remarkably Identified and recited 10 Thirukkural with meaning, 7 Tamil and 7 English Rhymes, Awareness speech on Plastics, Alphabet with words, Vowels in Tamil, Months of the year in English & Tamil, Days of the week in English & Tamil, Athichudi, Sorting Puzzles, National Antham,Tamil Thai Vazhthu, Planets, Fruits Names, Vegetables Names, Pattern matching, Continents, States and Capitals, Thevaaram, Thiruvaasagam, Thiruvisaipaa, Thirupallandu Periya puranam and Veerapadndiya Katta bomman Roleplay.