C. MATHI, Born on 29 June 2010, Aruppukkotai, virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu, India is a multifaceted kid who has gifted with wide variety of talents. He has won many accolades in various competitions. He is excel in Speech, Drawing, Art and craft, Wall painting , cooking, Vegetable carving, Salt and sand art, pencil sketching, Dancing story telling, Bajan reciting, memory pops, fancy dress, acting and science experiments. He is a district rank holder in Silambam and state rank holder in Adimurai and attended KHELO INDIA GAMES in Chandigarh in takela . He is goal keeper in a football team. He has achieved singer of the year award. He has achieved 3 world records ( Abacus, Speech and Space studies) He has received silver Star award , and budding scientists award.