S.MONISH, born on July 13, 2013, Mahindra world city, Chengalpattu, Tamilnadu, India is an amazing kid who excels in wide variety of talents and achieved many laurals and accolades. Achieved 3rd Place in UCMAS 20 th NATIONAL LEVEL ABACUS COMPETITION, 1st place in UCMAS 12th STATE LEVEL COMPETITION. Participated in Painting, Poetry, Logo making contest organized by Arignar Anna zoological Park,Got 1st and 3rd. District level Skating achieved Runner in skating and Runner in Skating relay. In Yoga, Storytelling, Tongue twister got Silver, Bronze medal. Won Rubik's cube competition- Tamilnadu cube association. In Dance, Fireless cooking, Science quiz, Cube Won in SCHOOLS GOT TALENT. 2ND TANG SOO DOO KARATE (Korean martial arts) STATE LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP
WON 1st in Individual Junior boys Formation. 3rd in Team Junior boys Formation… RAN MARATHON in MWC IN 2018 AND 2019 5kms completed…Achieved BEST FREADER awards continously for reading huge number of stories. He is a JACKHI BOOK OF WORLD RECORD Holder, Participated in ACHAMILLAI..ACHAMILLAI.. World record event and 1 minute cube Challenge ( Completed 3x3 Rubik's cube within 0.29 Seconds) and became a WINNER. We present his talents and award him the title TALENT ICON 2024. One of the Top 100 talents of the year.